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Showing posts from October, 2019

The coolest tips on how to bring down your power bills this summer!

Every summer that rolls around seems to be hotter than the last. How many times have you heard “This summer is meant to be a scorcher!” and more often than not they are correct. As our summers get hotter our energy usage also increases to cool our home and keep our families as comfortable as possible. But unfortunately increasing energy use also increases costs, which can have a major impact on a family’s ability to save or pay for other necessities. So today we want to answer the question on how to reduce energy bills this summer thanks to the team at Home Improvement Guide ! One way to cut costs is to increase your air conditioner’s setpoint temperature by 1°C. The setpoint temperature is set to let your air conditioner know what temperature is needed to be comfortable, if the temperature goes above or below that setpoint your air con goes to work to bring it back to the comfortable temperature you set. So by increasing the setpoint by 1°C in summer means your air condit...